Rock'n Roll

Jos joskus on sallittua sanoa että on aivan lääpällään omiin kuviinsa sanon sen nyt:) Otin nämä eilen ja jo kuvatessa tiesin että näistä tulee ihania, räjähtäviä värejä ja iloisia. Jotenkin kasaan ja tiivistän menneen kesän näihin kuviin. Tälläinen oli kesä; kuuma, tulinen, iloinen eli niinko rokkenrollia eller hur!?
Hauskaa viikonloppua ihmiset nautiskelkaa jos ootte vapaalla mie painan töitä.

I think it is sometimes allowed to say you love your own pictures and now I say it, I freaking love these shots:) I took them yesterday and that moment when I saw these through my camera I knew it, these going to be fabulous. Explosive colors, happy, hot, light etc. I think these shots represents this summer; hot , hotter and hottest freaking Rock'n Roll;)
By the way, can I use freaking as a power word....I'm not sure (remember english is not my language)!?

Have great weekend and I hope hurricane Irene will go away (who are living in it's way)  


  1. Henrietta, How do you do it?!! Either the light in your part of the world is prettier or you are extremely talented. I'm thinking it's the talent. These are just stunning. They look as if I could reach out and touch them. Another one that I'm adding to my pinterest. Maybe one day I'll be able to get a shot like this!

  2. Each one is very special. Beautiful photo story.

  3. Oikeaan osunut otsikko, nää todella rokkaa!

  4. Love those tones - reminds me of autumn.

  5. Gorgeous, I love love the last capture. Love these colors too!

  6. Haha, I use "freaking" all the time. You're so cute. The images are stunning! Don't you love when you know that just by looking at the camera display? It's a good feeling. Be proud of these; they definitely ROCK!

  7. Henrietta, I love all of these shots! Thank you so much for joining Alicia and me in the Crazy Days of Summer "Sweet Summer Finale". You've been entered for a chance to win an amazing $200 photography and scrapbooking prize pack. It's just our way of saying thanks... Have a great day. :)

  8. Oh I love your shots of these beautiful plants Henrietta - they are just so photogenic and ever so HOT looking!

  9. Henrietta, You do excellent for English not being your language. So impressive. Your flowers are always lovely, and true we tend to take photos of the things that inspire within. I am never dissapointed with any of your photography subjects. Right on girl! By the way check my blog, you are listed...

  10. The light is awesome. Your photography and editing is always so powerful (that would be "freaking!")

  11. You are right, absolutely beautiful pictures. Well done!!!

  12. Really lovely work...
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Really the bokeh!

    (Thank you for your comment, I've changed my settings, hope it works now.)

  14. Definitely some hot colors and great shots! I absolutely love the bokeh on the last one!

  15. Henrietta..... WOW. The lighting is just beautiful and the shots themselves are exquisite. GORGEOUS!!!!

  16. Hieno valo, se saa nämä hehkumaan uskomattoman lämpimästi! Upeaa!

  17. Minäkin rakastan näitä kuviasi, mahtavia!!!♥ Toki pakko sanoa, että rakastan kyllä oikeastaan kaikkia kuviasi, ne ovat vain niin iiiihania!!!♥♥ Sinä olet kuvavirtuoosi!!!

    Täytyy sitten sanoa sinulle, että työniloa!:))

  18. I freaking love them too!!!!
    The light in each of these is superb Henrietta!
    Gorgeous work.

  19. They are freaking beautiful and I love them too!

  20. I agree! they are freaking gorgeous! hot hot hot!

  21. Oh my goodness! Coming here is always a treat! Your captures are incredible!

  22. Hyvvä huomenta kammarista ! Helle ja täysillä eläminen huokuu kukistasi :)

  23. Upeita värejä toden totta!

    Onnistuin hukkaamaan kommentin, jonka olit blogiini jättänyt... Hyvä minä. Mutta lisäilin torikuviin valmistajafirmat nyt kun vielä muistin ne. Ihanaisia laatikoita tekee Designpiste Siira,

  24. Absolutely love love love the bokeh shot!

  25. Oikea oli tunteesi tuolloin kuvatessa. Nämä ovat todella tämän kesän näköisiä kuvia ja kukkia. Sopivan raikasta, kirkasta, rajua punaista ja ravitsevan keltaista. Rock n roll -todellakin =)

  26. Are these Indian Blankets? I love the detail and gorgeous golden tones. Lovely!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Nancy_ No they are not, they are
    Helenium autumnale

    Thank you all; you are so freaking cute:)
    I have been laughing this freaking word how you have used it too

    Kiitos rakhaat kotomaiset ystäväni.

    Kirsikka_käyn kahtoon ton sivun et mitäs kaikke kivaa nillä onkaa

  30. Vaikka juuri nuo värit eivät normaalisti ole lemppareitani, nuo kuvat ovat upeita!

  31. You are so right to be freaking proud of those shots ... they are gorgeous! Irene is on its way to us now here in Philly .... not the winds are the concern but the water damage!

  32. What a beautiful flower~great captures.

  33. Beautiful Henrietta, amazing colours!

  34. I'm in love with the yummy warm colors here, what beautiful captures!!! :0)

  35. The light in these shots is just fantastic!

  36. Yes, these photos freakin' rock! Gorgeous! Amazing colors!!

  37. otroligt vackra!!! summerar ust den gångna sommaren!


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