
So I love playing with textures and I just found a new blog for that.  Many of you know French Kiss textures but to me this is new. There is a challenge to use Purple Prose texture in your picture. You don't see much of purple in my photos but it is there:)

Here you can see what I did in a first picture, you see there is even two purple layers.


In this great inspiration I made my own texture:)
You can see it in my Google+ site and download it there if you want use it.
Have a nice week darlings.
Henrietta in Google+
If don't have Google+ account I can send you invitation, juts need your email.


  1. Hiya,
    At least you managed to preserve the lettering in the Purple Prose edits. Mine totally disappeared.
    Like the way you show the texture by the side. We are all trying different ways, aren't me?

  2. That's lovely, very nice texture work. I love the way you present your images within the frames.

  3. I love your own texture...then I must join Google+ too or is it any other way ?
    French kiss is new for me. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Inspiring pictures with texture. That I must try someday.
    Thanks for commenting my blog.

  5. Well, I'm impressed Henrietta! Making your own textures. How cool!

    Love the photos -- such a pretty flower and editing. :)

  6. You made your own? Wow! These are beautiful. Still learning.

  7. Beautiful photographs and such wonderful processing Henrietta! the second set here is just breathtaking.

    Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful day!


  8. Very, very nice Henrietta!. Your textures and editing are lovely!

  9. these are beautiful...you've created some wonderful textures for these already lovely photos!

  10. Love the photographs and love the textures.

  11. Amazing work! I love the first two and how the writing of the texture is off to the side. You are so good with textures!

  12. Great textures! You have done them well!

  13. These are gorgeous! I love the textures on all of them.

  14. Oi jukra, onpa ihania! Mä olen jotenkin työntänyt ton photoshopin käytön opiskelun taka-alalle. Tuntuu, etten vaan opi pelkän kirjan ja ohjeiden avulla, ja pitäis ottaa joku kurssi, mutta kun eihän täällä sellaisia ole! :)

    Kiitos vielä kommentistasi, mukava kuulla, että ollaan samalla aaltopituudella :D

  15. these are gorgeous!
    And thanks for introducing French Kiss to me!

  16. These are wonderful! Love the textures too!

  17. these are gorgeous, really great textures

  18. I love the way you use textures, it really enhances the pictures.

  19. Beautiful use of textures!!! And now you're making your own. Woot, good for you!

  20. beautiful images and gorgeous texture work..

  21. Vau!!

    Toivottavasti sä lähetät paljon kortteja ja vain omatekemiäsi. Mä pidän varsinkin tuosta ensimmäisestä vihreästä kuvasta. Se on aivan hurmaava =)

  22. I absolutely love the dandelions pictures! I don't know what happens to me, but I really like all pics with dandelions, but yours... are AMAZING!

  23. All are so gorgeous! Really love how you used the two new frames from CS!

  24. I love all the textures you've been doing.


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