
Kun haluan rauhaa, todella rauhaa maailmalta menen metsään ja tästä ei ole linnuntietä kotiovelta ko parisataa metriä. Oikeesti matkaa tulee hieman enemmän kun taivallat kallioilla ja metsässä enneko pääsee tuonne kallion reunalle pienen männynkäppärän alle istuskeleen ja rauhoittumaan. Se on ihmeellistä kuinka asuu taajamassa mutta silti voi tuntea olonsa kuin olisi maailman ainut ihminen. 
Tämä on mun paikkani, onko sulla joku specialpaikka jossa tuntuu hyvältä vaikka olis huonosti?

When I want peace, I mean real peace I go there. It is only few minutes away from my home. How  wonderful that I live in urban area but I can feel like I'm the only one in this world if I want so. I love sitting under that little pine tree (on the middle of little pictures) and feel nothing than peace, my brains stop thinking anything else than the beauty of that place. 
I just wanted to share my place with you, do you have any special place?



  1. Yes, in my home with my dogs!

    I love yours too!

  2. It does look lovely and peaceful.

  3. Such a beautiful spot and so close to home. I love your largest photo. I don't have opportunity for time away with my children always with me so I have mini-retreats with my camera in our own house yard.

  4. Oi mikä upea paikka! Tuolla olisi kyllä mukava tutkailla maisemaa.

  5. Wow, the light in these shots is something else! How lucky for you to have this on your door step!

  6. I can feel the serenity in your photos...what a blessing to have a nature sanctuary so near.

  7. Looks like a great place.. You are so lucky to live so close to all that beauty..

  8. Metsä, pellon laita, tammen kylki, hiljaisuus. Ihanat kuvat.

  9. Good morning Henrietta,
    Looks like you have a gorgeous place to escape to! I love the sense of light that you've captured in each of these shots - each different, but beautiful!!!
    Have a happy week,

  10. Hello! Kaunis kollaasi olet tehnyt. Upeita kuvia luonnon ja hauskaa kuva sinusta ..... Have a nice day. (Kyllä, käytän kääntäjä ... hi hi)

  11. How lucky you are to have such a place so close by. Lovely. :)

  12. Kaunis, rauhoittava kuvasarja. Ihan samoin, mielenmaisemani rauhoittaa metsä, jonne pääsee ihan kodin nurkalta.

  13. That looks like such a wonderful place to be, and to not think!

  14. What a gorgeous spot to retreat to!! Wonderful shots as always Henrietta!!

  15. Kauniita kuvia. Minä aina haluaisin järven tai meren rantaan rentoutumaan. Have a nice day!

  16. What an amazing place, and how wonderful to have it close by. I love how you've captured the light. Hope your week is a peaceful one.

  17. Aivan mahtavat maisemat löytyy sun kodin läheltä. Meillä ei ole vettä tuossa määrin täällä hähellä, pieni umpeen kasvava joki, jossa vesikasvit villiintyy.

    Pitääkin miettiä missä hermo parhaiten lepää. Palataan asiaan =)

    Ja hyvä omakuva <3

  18. Your largest photo is like the epitomy of peace - just glorious. That's lovely that you've got this place that you can get to easily when you need to.

  19. You are, in deed, the painter of light!

  20. Lähin: hämärissä kasvihuoneen lasikaton alla suojassa. Hieman kauempana: Näsijärven rannalla Kaupinojalla, missä taivaanrantaan on matkaa, kaikki vuorokauden ajat käyvät...
    Jos toivoa saisin: ison meren kohinassa tumman tähtitaivaan alla, lämmössä.
    Ihana kuva sinusta!

  21. Lähitienoilla - oman pihan ulkopuolella - on muutama paikka: saaren vanha kivilaituri, saaren toisella puolella olevan niemennokka ja siellä iso kivi.

  22. Lovely group of photos. What a beautiful, serene place to have so close to home.
    We have a piece of rural woodland property near an Amish community. Going there is almost like visiting another world.

  23. Now I'm jealous :) It's so amazing...

    Love the light of the first shot!

  24. Hello, dear Henrietta!

    First, I LOVE this photo of you. Your friendliness and humor comes through so well.

    Second, I love your special place – it is stunningly beautiful! It's very important to have such a place, I believe. I'm lucky that I also live near much quiet beauty, even in my own garden, too. But we have woods and parks and gardens and the sea very near, as you do.

    Thank you for these peaceful images and wishing you a lovely week! xo – g

  25. On minullakin melkein samalainen paikka Vänerin järven kallioilla!
    Bomull för själen!
    Ihanat kuvat!
    Ha det gott!

  26. Uinti meres auttaa. Kesällä ja talvella... Metsäkin on PoP!

  27. On sulla upea paikka! Jokainen noista kuvista on aivan vertaansa vailla, niitä voi katsella vaikka kuinka pitkään.

    Ei mulla ole aivan vastaavaa, vaikka metsän reunassa asunkin. Kesällä menen joskus lähellä olevan lammen rantaan istumaan ja siellä hiljaisuudessa onni asuu. Samoin vanhan metsän keskellä. Mutta niissä paikoissa ei ole nyt yhtään kivaa.

  28. Oh wow!!!! What an amazing place! I would never want to leave. I can almost hear the silence.

  29. Gorgeous..peaceful...thoughtful images. Perfect!

  30. Your special place reminds me of my special place Henrietta. A few years ago, we renovated a barn, and it is now a small house. It is only about 2 miles outside of the city, but such a world of difference being there.

    These are wonderful photographs. It definitely does look like a beautifully peaceful place to be. Love your selfie too!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  31. Such a beautiful place filled with peace!

  32. Kaunista, hienoja kuvia!

    Harvoin kaipaan sellaista paikkaa, jossa pitäisi löytyä rauha, mutta jos oikein mietin, niin sellainen voisi olla Suomessa, mökillä, järven rannalla saunan jälkeen :)

  33. Gorgeous! Peace. It's my biggest wish.

  34. That looks like a lovely special and peaceful place! I don't really have something like that right now, but growing up it was the Cherry tree in our backyard.

  35. well hello! is that Nuuksio park? looks lovely, wherever that place is.. there are so many nice places in here, I love it.. and since we moved to Finland quite recently, there are probably so many places for me yet to discover..

  36. What a nice place to sit an think.

    Have a nice day.

  37. You are very fortunate to have such a place near to you ! I love the collage .

  38. Well, I love this collage and it is good to see you Henrietta!

  39. what a peaceful amazing place to sit and just be within yourself.. This is great Henrietta.. Lovely captures.. :))

  40. What a beautiful spot Henrietta. I do love to find those spots amidst the hustle and bustle where we can feel all alone, get refreshed. Beautiful images as always!

  41. Vautsi mitä kalliomaisemia ! Aivan mykistävän ihania... ja niin rauhoittavia : )

  42. Ooh, this is just so breathtaking! Love this post and your serene and beautiful special place.

    My special hiding place is my small garden, where I know all the birds and plants.

    Thank you for sharing this dear Henrietta and a big hug from Holland, Peace xxxx!

  43. oh my these are beautiful, looks like a good trip.

  44. Just gorgeous, how lucky you are to have such a beautiful place to go! Makes me so homesick for Sweden, so lovely!


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